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About me
Since 2023, I’ve been a Full Professor for Scalable Software Systems at TU Berlin, co-affiliated with the Einstein Center Digital Future. 2017 to 2023, I was an Assistant Professor, also at TU Berlin and the Einstein Center Digital Future, heading the Mobile Cloud Computing research group. Before that, I was a PostDoc in the Information Systems Engineering research group of TU Berlin, a research associate at KIT’s eOrganisation research group, and a lecturer at DHBW. As a student, I did internships at Comsoft (Karlsruhe, Germany), Daimler (Montvale, NJ, USA), and MAN Truck and Bus (Salzgitter, Germany).
I have a diploma (comparable to a master’s degree) in Business Engineering (2010) and a PhD with distinction in Computer Science (2014) both from KIT.
I do research in distributed systems with some linkages to database systems, software engineering, and interdisciplinary computer science applications. In particular, this includes all aspects of cloud, edge, and fog computing, enterprise and middleware systems, IoT platforms, distributed storage systems, and benchmarking. It’s probably safe to say that I’m interested in more or less everything related to the engineering of systems and applications as long as it is mostly above OS level. As part of the Einstein Center Digital Future, I also engage in a number of interdisciplinary activities, e.g., I’m responsible for the citizen science project SimRa on safety in bicycle traffic.
This is a list of my publications which I try to keep reasonably up to date. You can also find (most of these) publications in my Google Scholar profile. Links to PDF files are added as soon as they are available online.
Nils Japke, Martin Grambow, Christoph Laaber, David Bermbach. µOpTime: Statically Reducing the Execution Time of Microbenchmark Suites Using Stability Metrics. In: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. ACM 2025. Bib. PDF.
Trever Schirmer, Joel Scheuner, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Fusionize++: Improving Serverless Application Performance Using Dynamic Task Inlining and Infrastructure Optimization. In: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. IEEE 2024. Bib. PDF.
Fabian Stricker, José Antonio Peregrina Pérez, David Bermbach, Christian Zirpins. FL-APU: A Software Architecture to Ease Practical Implementation of Cross-Silo Federated Learning. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA 2024). IEEE 2024. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Komet: A Serverless Platform for Low-Earth Orbit Edge Services. In: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC 2024). ACM 2024. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach, Robert Vilter, Ingo Friese, Sergiy Melnyk, Qiuheng Zhou, Hans D. Schotten. Towards Anti-Collision Coordination for UAVs with Serverless Edge Computing. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2024). IEEE 2024. Bib. PDF.
Tim C. Rese, Nils Japke, Sebastian Koch, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Increasing Efficiency and Result Reliability of Continuous Benchmarking for FaaS Applications. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2024). IEEE 2024. Bib. PDF.
Trever Schirmer, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. ElastiBench: Scalable Continuous Benchmarking on Cloud FaaS Platforms. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2024). IEEE 2024. Bib. PDF.
Mohammadreza Malekabbasi, Tobias Pfandzelter, Trever Schirmer, David Bermbach. GeoFaaS: An Edge-to-Cloud FaaS Platform. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2024). IEEE 2024. Bib. PDF.
Valentin Carl, Trever Schirmer, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. GeoFF: Federated Serverless Workflows with Data Pre-Fetching. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2024). IEEE 2024. Bib. PDF.
Felix Moebius, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Are Unikernels Ready for Serverless on the Edge?. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2024). IEEE 2024. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Lessons Learned from Building Edge Software System Testbeds. Technical Report 3S.2024.2, Technische Universität Berlin, Scalable Software Systems Research Group. 2024. Bib. PDF.
Minghe Wang, Trever Schirmer, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. ShutPub: Publisher-side Filtering for Content-based Pub/Sub on the Edge. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys 2024). ACM 2024. Bib. PDF. (Best Paper Award)
Martin Grambow, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Application-Centric Benchmarking of Distributed FaaS Platforms using BeFaaS. Technical Report 3S.2024.1, Technische Universität Berlin & ECDF, Scalable Software Systems Research Group. 2024. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Enoki: Stateful Distributed FaaS from Edge to Cloud. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Middleware for the Edge (MiddleWEdge 2023). ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Tim Dockenfuß, Trever Schirmer, Nils Japke, David Bermbach. Efficiently Detecting Performance Changes in FaaS Application Releases. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC 2023). ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Trever Schirmer, Valentin Carl, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. ProFaaStinate: Delaying Serverless Function Calls to Optimize Platform Performance. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC 2023). ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, Aditya Dhakal, Eitan Frachtenberg, Sai Rahul Chalamasetti, Darel Emmot, Ninad Hogade, Rolando Pablo Hong Enriquez, Gourav Rattihalli, David Bermbach, Dejan Milojicic. Kernel-as-a-Service: A Serverless Programming Model for Heterogeneous Hardware Accelerators. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Middleware Conference (Middleware 2023). ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Nils Japke, Christoph Witzko, Martin Grambow, David Bermbach. The Early Microbenchmark Catches the Bug – Studying Performance Issues Using Micro- and Application Benchmarks. In: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2023). ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Sergiy Melnyk, Qiuheng Zhou, Hans D. Schotten, Wolfgang Rüther-Kindel, Fabian Quaeck, Nick Stuckert, Robert Vilter, Lisa Gebauer, Mandy Galkow-Schneider, Ingo Friese, Steffen Drüsedow, Tobias Pfandzelter, Mohammadreza Malekabbasi, David Bermbach, Louay Bassbouss, Alexander Zoubarev, Andy Neparidze, Arndt Kritzner, Jakob Hartbrich, Alexander Raake, Enrico Zschau, Klaus-Jürgen Schwahn. 6G NeXt — Joint Communication and Compute Mobile Network: Use Cases and Architecture. In: Kommunikation in der Automation: 14. Jahreskolloquium (KommA ‘23). Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V. (ifak) 2023. Bib. PDF.
Emil Balitzki, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Predicting Temporal Aspects of Movement for Predictive Replication in Fog Environments. Technical Report MCC.2023.4, Technische Universität Berlin & ECDF, Mobile Cloud Computing Research Group. 2023. Bib. PDF.
Marvin Kruber, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. A Hybrid Communication Approach for Metadata Exchange in Geo-Distributed Fog Environments. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Cloud, IoT and Fog Systems (and Security) (CIFS 2023). ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Can Orbital Servers Provide Mars-Wide Edge Computing?. In: Proceedings of the 1st ACM MobiCom Workshop on Satellite Networking and Computing. ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Edge Computing in Low-Earth Orbit – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?. In: Proceedings of the the 1st ACM Workshop on LEO Networking and Communication 2023. ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Ingo Friese, Mandy Galkow-Schneider, Louay Bassbouss, Alexander Zoubarev, Andy Neparidze, Sergiy Melnyk, Qiuheng Zhou, Hans D. Schotten, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach, Arndt Kritzner, Enrico Zschau, Prasenjit Dhara, Steve Göring, William Menz, Alexander Raake, Wolfgang Rüther-Kindel, Fabian Quaeck, Nick Stuckert, Robert Vilter. True 3D Holography: A Communication Service of Tomorrow and Its Requirements for a New Converged Cloud and Network Architecture on the Path to 6G. In: Proceedings of the the 2nd International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet ‘23). VDE Verlag 2023. Bib. PDF.
Sergiy Melnyk, Qiuheng Zhou, Hans D. Schotten, Wolfgang Rüther-Kindel, Fabian Quaeck, Nick Stuckert, Robert Vilter, Lisa Gebauer, Mandy Galkow-Schneider, Ingo Friese, Steffen Drüsedow, Tobias Pfandzelter, Mohammadreza Malekabbasi, David Bermbach, Louay Bassbouss, Alexander Zoubarev, Andy Neparidze, Arndt Kritzner, Jakob Hartbrich, Alexander Raake, Enrico Zschau, Klaus-Jürgen Schwahn. 6G NeXt — Joint Communication and Compute Mobile Network: Use Cases and Architecture. In: Kommunikation in der Automation: 14. Jahreskolloquium (KommA ‘23). Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V. (ifak) 2023. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, Nils Japke, Trever Schirmer, Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. Managing Data Replication and Distribution in the Fog with FReD. In: Software: Practice and Experience. Wiley 2023. Bib. PDF.
Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya, Leonard Thomas, Denis Koljada and David Bermbach. A Crowdsensing Approach for Deriving Surface Quality of Cycling Infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). IEEE 2023. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Evaluating LEO Edge Software in the Cloud with Celestial. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2023), Posters. IEEE 2023. Bib. PDF.
Simon Huber, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Identifying Nearest Fog Nodes With Network Coordinate Systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2023). IEEE 2023. Bib. PDF.
Nick Stender, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Eventually Consistent Configuration Management in Fog Systems with CRDTs. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2023), Posters. IEEE 2023. Bib. PDF.
Malte Janßen, Tobias Pfandzelter, Minghe Wang, David Bermbach. Supporting UAVs with Edge Computing: A Review of Opportunities and Challenges. In: Technical Report MCC.2023.3. TU Berlin & ECDF, Mobile Cloud Computing Research Group 2022. Bib. PDF.
Simon Huber, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. On the Applicability of Network Coordinate Systems for Fog Computing. Technical Report MCC.2023.2, Technische Universität Berlin & ECDF, Mobile Cloud Computing Research Group. 2023. Bib. PDF.
Nick Stender, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Fog System Configuration Management with CRDTs. Technical Report MCC.2023.1, Technische Universität Berlin & ECDF, Mobile Cloud Computing Research Group. 2023. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Towards a Benchmark for Fog Data Processing. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). IEEE 2023. Bib. PDF.
Sergiy Melnyk, Qiuheng Zhou, Hans D. Schotten, Mandy Galkow-Schneider, Ingo Friese, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach, Louay Bassbouss, Alexander Zoubarev, Andy Neparidze, Arndt Kritzner, Enrico Zschau, Prasenjit Dhara, Steve Göring, William Menz, Alexander Raake, Wolfgang Rüther-Kindel, Fabian Quaeck, Nick Stuckert, Robert Vilter. 6G NeXt — Towards 6G Split Computing Network Applications: Use Cases and Architecture. In: 27th ITG-Symposium on Mobile Communication - Technologies and Applications (MKT ‘23). VDE Verlag 2023. Bib. PDF.
Trever Schirmer, Nils Japke, Sofia Greten, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. The Night Shift: Understanding Performance Variability of Cloud Serverless Platforms. In: Proceedings of the the 1st Workshop on Serverless Systems, Applications and Methodologies (SESAME). ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Minghe Wang, Trever Schirmer, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Lotus: Serverless In-Transit Data Processing for Edge-based Pub/Sub. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys). ACM 2023. Bib. PDF.
Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya, Ioan-Alexandru Stef, Konstantin Köhler, Julian Heinovski, Falko Dressler, David Bermbach. Achieving Realistic Cyclist Behavior in SUMO using the SimRa Dataset. In: Elsevier Computer Communications. Elsevier 2023. Bib. PDF.
Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya, Thomas Ritter, Felix Biessmann, David Bermbach. CycleSense: Detecting Near Miss Incidents in Bicycle Traffic from Mobile Motion Sensors. In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Elsevier 2023. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Denis Kovalev, Christoph Laaber, Philipp Leitner, David Bermbach. Using Microbenchmark Suites to Detect Application Performance Changes. In: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. IEEE 2022. Bib. PDF.
Vincenzo De Maio, David Bermbach, Ivona Brandic. TAROT: Spatio-Temporal Function Placement for Serverless Smart City Applications. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2020). IEEE 2022. Bib. PDF.
Sören Becker, Tobias Pfandzelter, Nils Japke, David Bermbach, Odej Kao. Network Emulation in Large-Scale Virtual Edge Testbeds: A Note of Caution and the Way Forward. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Testing Distributed Internet of Things Systems (TDIS). IEEE 2022. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, Sören Henning, Trever Schirmer, Wilhelm Hasselbring, David Bermbach. Streaming vs. Functions: A Cost Perspective on Cloud Event Processing. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). IEEE 2022. Bib. PDF.
Trever Schirmer, Joel Scheuner, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Fusionize: Improving Serverless Application Performance through Feedback-Driven Function Fusion. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). IEEE 2022. Bib. PDF.
Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya, Konstantin Köhler, Julian Heinovski, Falko Dressler, David Bermbach. A Realistic Cyclist Model for SUMO Based on the SimRa Dataset. In: Proceedings of the 20th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet 2022). IEEE 2022. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Celestial: Virtual Software System Testbeds for the LEO Edge. In: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (Middleware 2022). ACM 2022. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Testing LEO Edge Software Systems with Celestial. In: Technical Report MCC.2022.1. Technische Universität Berlin & ECDF, Mobile Cloud Computing Research Group 2022 Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, Trever Schirmer, David Bermbach. Towards Distributed Coordination for Fog Platforms. In: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, Posters (CCGrid 2022). IEEE 2022. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. QoS-Aware Resource Placement for LEO Satellite Edge Computing. In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2022). IEEE 2022. Bib. PDF.
Martin Temmen, Jochen Eckart, Jule Merk, Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya, David Bermbach. Crowdsourcing in der Radverkehrsforschung. In: Internationales Verkehrswesen. Trialog Publishers 2022. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Jonathan Bader, Jonathan Hasenburg, Tobias Pfandzelter, Lauritz Thamsen. AuctionWhisk: Using an Auction-Inspired Approach for Function Placement in Serverless Fog Platforms. In: Software: Practice and Experience. Wiley 2021. Bib. PDF.
Malte Bellmann, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Predictive Replica Placement for Mobile Users in Distributed Fog Data Stores with Client-Side Markov Models. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning for the Intelligent Computing Continuum (DML-ICC). ACM 2021. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Sergio Lucia, Vlado Handziski, Adam Wolisz. Towards Grassroots Peering at the Edge. In: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Middleware and Applications for the Internet of Things (M4IoT 2021). ACM 2021. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Towards Predictive Replica Placement for Distributed Data Stores in Fog Environments. In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, Posters (IC2E 2021). IEEE 2021. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Tobias Pfandzelter, Luk Burchard, Carsten Schubert, Max Zhao, David Bermbach. BeFaaS: An Application-Centric Benchmarking Framework for FaaS Platforms. In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2021). IEEE 2021. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Abhishek Chandra, Chandra Krintz, Aniruddha Gokhale, Aleksander Slominski, Lauritz Thamsen, Everton Cavalcante, Tian Guo, Ivona Brandic, Rich Wolski. On the Future of Cloud Engineering. In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2021). IEEE 2021. Bib. PDF. (invited paper)
Tobias Pfandzelter, Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. From Zero to Fog: Efficient Engineering of Fog‐based Internet of Things Applications. In: Software: Practice and Experience. Wiley 2021. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Christoph Laaber, Philipp Leitner, David Bermbach. Using application benchmark call graphs to quantify and improve the practical relevance of microbenchmark suites. In: PeerJ Computer Science. PeerJ 2021. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. Towards a Computing Platform for the LEO Edge. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys 2021). ACM 2021. Bib. PDF. Video.
Jonathan Hasenburg, Martin Grambow, David Bermbach. MockFog 2.0: Automated Execution of Fog Application Experiments in the Cloud. In: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. IEEE 2021. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Edge (of the Earth) Replication: Optimizing Content Delivery in Large LEO Satellite Communication Networks. In: Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2021). IEEE 2021. Bib. PDF.
Blesson Varghese, Nan Wang, David Bermbach, Cheol-Ho Hong, Eyal de Lara, Weisong Shi, Christopher Stewart. A Survey on Edge Performance Benchmarking. In: ACM Computing Surveys. ACM 2021. Bib. PDF.
Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. DisGB: Using Geo-Context Information for Efficient Routing in Geo-Distributed Pub/Sub Systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing 2020 (UCC 2020). IEEE 2020. Bib. PDF. Video.
David Bermbach, Erik Wittern. Benchmarking Web API Quality – Revisited. In: Journal of Web Engineering. River Publishers 2020. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Erik Wittern, David Bermbach. Benchmarking the Performance of Microservice Applications. In: Applied Computing Review. ACM SIGAPP 2020. Bib. PDF.
Frank Pallas, Philip Raschke, David Bermbach. Fog Computing as Privacy Enabler. In: Internet Computing. IEEE 2020. Bib. PDF.
Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. GeoBroker: A Pub/Sub Broker Considering Geo-Context Information. In: Software Impacts. Elsevier 2020. Bib. PDF.
Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya, Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. SimRa: Using Crowdsourcing to Identify Near Miss Hotspots in Bicycle Traffic. In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Elsevier 2020. Bib. PDF.
Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. Using Geo-context Information for Efficient Rendezvous-based Routing in Publish/Subscribe Systems. In: Proceedings of the KuVS-Fachgespräch Fog Computing 2020 (FGFC 2020). TU Wien 2020. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Setareh Maghsudi, Jonathan Hasenburg, Tobias Pfandzelter. Towards Auction-Based Function Placement in Serverless Fog Platforms. In: Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing 2020 (ICFC 2020). IEEE 2020. Bib. PDF. Slides. Video.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. tinyFaaS: A Lightweight FaaS Platform for Edge Environments. In: Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing 2020 (ICFC 2020). IEEE 2020. Bib. PDF. Video.
Jonathan Hasenburg, Florian Stanek, Florian Tschorsch, David Bermbach. Managing Latency and Excess Data Dissemination in Fog-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems. In: Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing 2020 (ICFC 2020). IEEE 2020. Bib. PDF. Video.
David Bermbach, Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya, Simon Buchholz. Using Application Knowledge to Reduce Cold Starts in FaaS Services. In: Proceedings of the 35th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2020). ACM 2020. Bib. PDF. Video.
Martin Grambow, Lukas Meusel, Erik Wittern, David Bermbach. Benchmarking Microservice Performance: A Pattern-based Approach. In: Proceedings of the 35th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2020). ACM 2020. Bib. PDF. Video.
Jonathan Hasenburg, Martin Grambow, David Bermbach. Towards a Replication Service for Data-Intensive Fog Applications. In: Proceedings of the 35th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Posters Track (SAC 2020). ACM 2020. Bib. PDF. Video.
Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. GeoBroker: Leveraging Geo-Contexts for IoT Data Distribution. In: Computer Communications. Elsevier 2020. Bib. PDF.
Jonathan Hasenburg, Martin Grambow, David Bermbach. FBase: A Replication Service for Data-Intensive Fog Applications. In: Technical Report MCC.2019.1. TU Berlin & ECDF, Mobile Cloud Computing Research Group. 2019. Bib. PDF.
Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. Towards Geo-Context Aware IoT Data Distribution. In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on IoT Systems Provisioning and Management for Context-Aware Smart Cities (ISYCC 2019). Springer 2019. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Fabian Lehmann, David Bermbach. Continuous Benchmarking: Using System Benchmarking in Build Pipelines. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Service Quality and Quantitative Evaluation in new Emerging Technologies (SQUEET 2019). IEEE 2019. Bib. PDF.
Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. IoT Data Processing in the Fog: Functions, Streams, or Batch Processing?. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Efficient Data Movement in Fog Computing (DaMove 2019). IEEE 2019. Bib. PDF.
Jonathan Hasenburg, Martin Grambow, Elias Grünewald, Sascha Huk, David Bermbach. MockFog: Emulating Fog Computing Infrastructure in the Cloud. In: Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing 2019 (ICFC 2019). IEEE 2019. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Jonathan Hasenburg, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Is it Safe to Dockerize my Database Benchmark?. In: Proceedings of the 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Posters Track (SAC 2019). ACM 2019. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Jonathan Hasenburg, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach. Dockerization Impacts in Database Performance Benchmarking. In: Technical Report MCC.2018.1. TU Berlin & ECDF, Mobile Cloud Computing Research Group. 2018. Bib. PDF.
Jonathan Hasenburg, Sebastian Werner, David Bermbach. Supporting the Evaluation of Fog-based IoT Applications During the Design Phase. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Middleware and Applications for the Internet of Things (M4IoT 2018). ACM 2018. Bib. PDF.
Jonathan Hasenburg, Sebastian Werner, David Bermbach. FogExplorer. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Middleware Conference, Demos and Posters (MIDDLEWARE 2018). ACM 2018. Bib. PDF.
Martin Grambow, Jonathan Hasenburg, David Bermbach. Public Video Surveillance: Using the Fog to Increase Privacy. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Middleware and Applications for the Internet of Things (M4IoT 2018). ACM 2018. Bib. PDF.
Stefan Tai, David Bermbach. Cloud Computing. In: Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. 2nd edition. Springer 2018. Book Chapter. Bib. PDF.
Pierluigi Plebani, David García Pérez, Maya Anderson, David Bermbach, Cinzia Cappiello, Ronen Kat, Achilleas Marinakis, Vrettos Moulos, Frank Pallas, Barbara Pernici, Stefan Tai, Monica Vitali. Data and Computation Movement in Fog Environments: The DITAS Approach. In: Zaigham Mahmood. Fog Computing: Concepts, Frameworks and Technologies. Springer 2018. Book Chapter. Bib. PDF.
Sebastian Werner, Frank Pallas, David Bermbach. Designing Suitable Access Control for Web-Connected Smart Home Platforms. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications and Cloud Services (WESOACS 2017). Springer 2017. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Frank Pallas, David García Pérez, Pierluigi Plebani, Maya Anderson, Ronen Kat, Stefan Tai. A Research Perspective on Fog Computing. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on IoT Systems Provisioning and Management for Context-Aware Smart Cities (ISYCC 2017). Springer 2017. Bib. PDF. (best workshop paper award)
David Bermbach, Jörn Kuhlenkamp, Akon Dey, Arunmoezhi Ramachandran, Alan Fekete, Stefan Tai. BenchFoundry: A Benchmarking Framework for Cloud Storage Services. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2017). Springer 2017. Bib. PDF. (best paper award candidate)
David Bermbach, Jacob Eberhardt. Audio-Visual Cues for Cloud Service Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017). 2017. Bib. PDF. Video.
David Bermbach, Erik Wittern, Stefan Tai. Cloud Service Benchmarking: Measuring Quality of Cloud Services from a Client Perspective. Springer 2017. Book. Bib. PDF on Springer. Web.
David Bermbach. Quality of Cloud Services: Expect the Unexpected. In: IEEE Internet Computing Magazine. IEEE 2017. Bib. PDF. (invited paper)
Pierluigi Plebani, David Garcia-Perez, Maya Anderson, David Bermbach, Cinzia Cappiello, Ronen Kat, Frank Pallas, Barbara Pernici, Stefan Tai, Monica Vitali. Information Logistics and Fog Computing: The DITAS Approach. In: Proceedings of CAiSE Forum 2017. Springer 2017. Bib. PDF.
Frank Pallas, David Bermbach, Steffen Müller, Stefan Tai. Evidence-Based Security Configurations for Cloud Datastores. In: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2017). ACM 2017. Bib. PDF.
Frank Pallas, Johannes Günther, David Bermbach. Pick Your Choice in HBase: Security or Performance. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2016). IEEE 2017. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Erik Wittern. Benchmarking Web API Quality. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2016). Springer 2016. Bib. PDF.
Jacob Eberhardt, Dominik Ernst, David Bermbach. SMAC: State Management for Geo-Distributed Containers. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Container Technologies and Container Clouds (WoC 2016). IEEE 2016. Bib. PDF.
Dominik Ernst, David Bermbach, Stefan Tai. Understanding the Container Ecosystem: A Taxonomy of Building Blocks for Container Lifecycle and Cluster Management. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Container Technologies and Container Clouds (WoC 2016). IEEE 2016. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Jacob Eberhardt. Towards Audio-Visual Cues for Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2016). Poster. IEEE 2016. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Steffen Müller, Jacob Eberhardt, Stefan Tai. Informed Schema Design for Column Store-based Database Services. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2015). IEEE 2016. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach. Messbarkeit und Beeinflussung von Eventual-Consistency in verteilten Datenspeichersystemen. In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2014. GI 2015. Bib. PDF.
Jörn Kuhlenkamp, Kevin Rudolph, David Bermbach. AISLE: Assessment of Provisioned Service Levels in Public IaaS-based Database Systems. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2015). Springer 2016. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Jörn Kuhlenkamp, Akon Dey, Sherif Sakr, Raghunath Nambiar. Towards an Extensible Middleware for Database Benchmarking. In: Proceedings of the 6th TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC 2014). Springer 2015. Bib. PDF.
Stefan Tai, David Bermbach. Cloud Computing. In: Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Springer 2014. Book Chapter. Bib. PDF on Springer.
David Bermbach. Benchmarking Eventually Consistent Distributed Storage Systems. PhD Thesis. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. KSP 2014. Bib. PDF.
Steffen Müller, David Bermbach, Stefan Tai, Frank Pallas. Benchmarking the Performance Impact of Transport Layer Security in Cloud Database Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2014). IEEE 2014. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Stefan Tai. Benchmarking Eventual Consistency: Lessons Learned from Long-Term Experimental Studies. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2014). IEEE 2014. Bib. PDF. (best paper runner up award)
David Bermbach, Liang Zhao, Sherif Sakr. Towards Comprehensive Measurement of Consistency Guarantees for Cloud-Hosted Data Storage Services. In: Proceedings of the 5th TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC 2013). Springer 2014. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Jörn Kuhlenkamp. Consistency in Distributed Storage Systems: An Overview of Models, Metrics and Measurement Approaches. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Systems (NETYS 2013). Springer 2013. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Jörn Kuhlenkamp, Bugra Derre, Markus Klems, Stefan Tai. A Middleware Guaranteeing Client-Centric Consistency on Top of Eventually Consistent Datastores. In: Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2013). IEEE 2013. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Tobias Kurze, Stefan Tai. Cloud Federation: Effects of Federated Compute Resources on Quality of Service and Cost. In: Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2013). IEEE 2013. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Stefan Tai. Speicherdienste in der Cloud: Sägende Konsistenz. In: iX, 6/2012. Heise 2012. Bib. PDF.
Markus Klems, David Bermbach, René Weinert. A Runtime Quality Measurement Framework for Cloud Database Service Systems. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2012). CPS 2012. Bib. PDF.
Alexander Lenk, Carsten Daenschel, Markus Klems, David Bermbach, Tobias Kurze. Requirements for an IaaS Deployment Language in Federated Clouds. In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2011). IEEE 2012. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Stefan Tai. Eventual Consistency: How Soon is Eventual? An Evaluation of Amazon S3’s Consistency Guarantees. In: Proceedings of the 6th Middleware for Service-oriented Computing Workshop (MW4SOC 2011). ACM 2012. Bib. PDF. (part of the ACM Techpack on Cloud Computing)
Tobias Kurze, Markus Klems, David Bermbach, Alexander Lenk, Stefan Tai, Marcel Kunze. Cloud Federation. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (CLOUD COMPUTING 2011). IARIA 2012. Bib. PDF. (best paper award)
David Bermbach, Robert Kern, Pascal Wichmann, Sandra Rath, Christian Zirpins. An Extendable Toolkit for Managing Quality of Human-based Electronic Services. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP 2011). AAAI Press 2012. Bib. PDF.
David Bermbach, Markus Klems, Michael Menzel, Stefan Tai. MetaStorage: A Federated Cloud Storage System to Manage Consistency-Latency Tradeoffs. In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011). IEEE 2012. Bib. PDF.